Instructional knee arthroplasty course for specialist registrars and fellows: 03 Dec, 2024


About us

The Harlow Knee Course has had over 1000 previous delegates. After a period of absence due to the COVID pandemic Mr Mahaluxmivala and Mr Allen are delighted to have you back. Running for over 20 years and is ideal for specialist registrars and fellows who want to further their knowledge of knee arthroplasty techniques.

We are delighted to have on board Mr Jaison Patel who is a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at The Barts Health.

He brings his expertise from prestigious fellowships and training from The East of England, Oxford and London rotations.

This iconic course has been running for over 20 years and is ideal for specialist registrars and fellows who want to further their knowledge of knee arthroplasty techniques.

Our faculty have over 50 years of clinical experience between them and their mixture of lectures, case discussions and saw bone workshops have always received excellent feedback.

Places on the course are limited so please reserve your place as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

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Paul Allen


Some of our client reviews

“Excellent course - very thorough explanations in theory & practical.

"Cannot be specific as the whole thing was perfect"

"Excellent, clear teaching pitched at the correct level"

"Friendly and knowledgeable faculty at Harlowknee"


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Tuesday, 03rd Dec, 2024